Conference Hotel

The conference hotel is Hotel Hvide Hus.
Here, you can find the detail information and the map of the hotel.
This map shows a convenient walking route from the train station to the hotel.

Address: Vesterbro 2,    9000 Aalborg
Telephone: +45 98 13 84 00
Fax: +45 98 13 51 22
Website: Hotel Hvide Hus

We recommend you to stay in the conference hotel --- Hotel Hvide Hus, due to its reasonable room price.
Note that you are able to book this hotel directly via the registration website.

Single room(s): DKK 850.00 / EUR 115.00
Double room(s): DKK 1050.00 / EUR 142.00

Other Hotels

You are also welcome to stay in any other hotel you wish.
Please find the information of the other hotels via this link.